The widespread availability of generative artificial intelligence in the form of the ChatGPT bot has caused uproar worldwide with high expectations and utopian as well as dystopian predictions. This is not the first time that massive job losses and complete disruptions in various markets have been mentioned in connection with learning machines. However, despite many years of digital transformation, the reality today is characterised by a shortage of skilled workers, and much of the artificially generated content has shortcomings that hardly meet the high quality standards that apply in sectors ranging from banking to medicine or journalism. This makes a differentiated analysis and classification of the real potentials, but also of the limitations and the resulting opportunities and dangers, all the more important. The fact is, artificial intelligence will be a constant companion from now on. We are challenged to use it intelligently, to consciously do without it and to differentiate ourselves with business models, but above all with our competences.
The ABSTRAKT briefing «NEVER ALONE», which was developed within the framework of the Future Society Association in exchange with the partners of the initiative, presents a compact and forward-looking basic classification of generative AI and shows how we should use the technology in the long term beyond the hypes - and why artificial intelligence will continue to need human intelligence in the future.
Soundtrack to the briefing
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The ABSTRAKT briefing «NEVER ALONE», which was developed within the framework of the Future Society Association in exchange with the partners of the initiative, presents a compact and forward-looking basic classification of generative AI and shows how we should use the technology in the long term beyond the hypes - and why artificial intelligence will continue to need human intelligence in the future.
Soundtrack to the briefing
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